Healing & Ritual


Explore Services

Healings and Ritual Services are available through special events, private events and individual sessions.


Services that help you clear and align the energy of your energetic body and physical space to create the optimal environment for well-being and spiritual growth. 


Powerful, ancient healing tools designed to help you create optimal physical, mental, emotional, and energetic health.


Expand your understanding of sacred teachings and gain spiritual wisdom..


Helena (Born Kate Helena) is a lifelong student of healing, born with strong intuition, a love of adventure, and a deeply caring nature, Helena started reading her first books on psychology and spirituality at fifteen years old. Since then, she has dedicated her life to understanding the human experience and how she can best help others to live the truth of who they are. 

After 30 Yeats of study and practice, Helena discovered a unique and powerful set of tools from the lineage of King Solomon which extended beyond the scope of what she had come to accept as the limits of healing in this life -the effectiveness was undeniable. It is these healings and rituals that are offered here.

All healing and ritual work must be done in person. To meet the needs of as many people as possible, Helena travels to different regions. You can check the schedule to see when she will be in an area by you or you can arrange to host her in your area. 

Helena also offers individual and small group coaching and mentoring which can be done virtually.

Commonly Requested Healings

Most often the first healing received. This powerful healing connects you with your divine essence and sets the foundation for any additional healing session. 

Life Activation

Shamanic Aura Clearing

Excellent for clearing negative energies that have attached during challenging times and difficult situations.

Core Will Infusion

Strengthen your will and alignment with spirit so that you can overcome any challenge or obstacle with which you are struggling.

Fire Soul Healing

Strengthen and balance your Kundalini energy and active more passion in your life. 



Clear and reset your physical environment -home or office. Our physical environment can hold old and stagnant energies that affect our well-being. 


Give your baby (Up to 5yrs) the best start in life available to a human through this powerful and ancient baby blessing ritual. 


Let go of the energetic connections that hold you in the past and keep you connected to thoughts, feelings, people and situation that are no longer benefiting you. 


An excellent add on to a Space Clearing, this process adds a crystal grid to your home or office to help hold stronger energy and support well-being.

Ready to Begin?

You can sign up for a consult here? Contact Us

Request a consultation

If you would like to find out more please send a message and we will reach out with a time to talk. 


“As a result of this experience I felt more open and free in my life and less burdened by things outside my control.” - Lisa
“I had massive expectations leading up to this experience and I've noticed that as the days go on, my expectations continue to be fulfilled as I am living in a state of fluidity and empowerment that I would yearn for prior to the healing.” - Andre
"I received a Life Activation with Kate a few months ago and many things have unfolded in my life and how I hold myself to finding greater alignment with my truth. I also received the first healing of the Ensofic Reiki series which helped me in navigating overwhelming thought loops and negative emotional spirals- I have been feeling more energetically clear and emotionally strong. Physically, my relationship with my body is improving. I am so thankful for Kate’s loving care, she is full of light and helps me remember to come home to my heart. "
-Jessica Vicari 
 “I recently did a life activation with Kate and the first thing I noticed was that I felt like my energy and aura field had been shaken up.  I took it easy the day of the healing and meditated with some amethyst to ease into this new transition.  A day after the healing I started to notice that I was more decisive.  Where I might have hesitated before and debated my decisions, I found I was better able to forge ahead with projects and everyday tasks.  A week or so after I found my gut health was improving and I noticed myself craving better choices for foods and drinking more water.  I have also been drawn to more quiet time, and meditation and my healing energy has increased where before it felt a bit stagnant.”  J Lea-Plante

Ritual and healing services offered here are with permission and from the lineage held by the Modern Mystery School.

For US Inquiries: New England and CA

📞 +1 855-845-8658

For Mexico: San Miguel de Allende

📞 +52 415-980-0513


📧 healings@helenakate.com

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